Saturday, March 16, 2013

What Muslim Parents Need to Know

As Islamic scholars or teachers Muslim parents who see no need to send their children to a full-time or weekend school often confront us. Sometimes you will even meet people who haven't even taught their children anything about Islam at all! They often give the lame argument: "I don't want to impose anything on my child" or "I am very busy", or "my child already knows enough about Islam" or "I will let them make their own decision." In other words they're really saying, "I don't want to teach them about Islam for whatever reason and I will let the Kuffar influence impose on them without giving them a good grounding in the best way of life first." 
How many teenagers have we seen who know little to nothing about Islam while their parents act as if they are good Muslims! ...
Another issue of concern is that, following the usual practice, these same negligent parents may try to marry their son or daughter to a person of the same ethnic background not realizing that their own child is like a non-Muslim so it is unfair to the prospective spouse who may have been raised in a home where Islam was practiced. It's like marrying a non-Muslim in all practical aspects and sows the seeds for conflict.
Many Muslims, blinded by wealth and its achievement, come to the West hopeful of riches and becoming like what they so admire. So when their children are "Australians" or "Europeans" they secretly feel great joy that their children are living out their own secret fantasy. 
Well, as we know, age usually teaches wisdom and many are the parents you will meet who become "religious" in their 40's or 50's and lament the fact that their children lead such bad lifestyles. It doesn't help to scold the parents then because it would do no good. When a person is remorseful, Allah has promised to forgive them. But what of the younger parents whose children is still small and who are headed down the same dangerous path? Is there a way to warn them before their children and descendants lose Islam forever?
Below is an actual story we received from a concerned brother who lived the Australian dream and lost his children to kufr in the process. Perhaps a Muslim parent who is feeling like letting the Kuffar establish his or her children's values will read these words and change his or her course of action before they are old one day and full of sorrow for neglecting the one greatest gift they should have given their children: the chance to go to Paradise when this short life is over.

Assalamu alaykum,
I am grateful to Australia for giving me all the opportunity to achieve the best of this life. Twenty-four years ago I left Bangladesh mainly for higher education. After completing the education relatives forbade me not to go back and they convinced me by mailing paper cuttings of the terrible news of horrible campus life where I was supposed to return to fulfil my obligation of educating our youths the latest technological development. The dazzle of western life-style mesmerized me and motivated me to look for an opportunity and that's how I became entrenched in search of an Australian dream. 
By the generosity of Australian system I have achieved all that a man of my standing long for. I am indeed grateful to Australian for giving me the freedom and the opportunity to achieve all that. But now that I have every material thing that I need for this life I have a great pain piercing my mind day and night. To be frank I find that a part of my body have gone terribly wrong. I am completely to blame for this. 
When my children were growing up I didn't realize the melting pot concept. I used to be a 'progressive', 'liberal' and 'open minded' person. I let my children grow with the wind. But while they were at their teens I realized that something went wrong somewhere. My children were talking back to us very disrespectfully. They adopted strange clothes, weird music and a horrible attitude. At first it appeared temporary, what we labelled as a phase and so it appeared cute to us. But it persisted and got worse. They were ashamed of our accent and sometimes they are ashamed of our culture. They turned out to be selfish and very 'individualistic'. They were challenging us in everything - even if it is irrational.
Although 'progressive', yet I had an eastern mind that instilled in me the element of respect for elderly and affection for the youngsters. Naturally, I should not expect all that from my offspring raised in this soil. It seems to me I had the best time of my family life when they were young. 
The children have left the home for college and rarely they come back to visit us. They seem to us as strangers. Now look back and try to find out what did we do to deserve this. I found that my wife and me are completely responsible for such an outcome.

We are a working family and so we didn't give enough time for our children while they were growing up and naturally the day care and the school essentially raised them. We didn't give them any moral, ethical teaching. We know a friend of ours whose children turned out to be of excellent manners and highly respectful of elders. Simply speaking they are adorable children. I am amazed these children also turned out to be super-performer in their education as well. It seems that the mother of this model family stayed home while the children were growing up and the parents would always take their children to the local Islamic centres. We used to mock (joke) them as fundamentalists but it looks like they did the right thing.
Now I believe Australia has given us the freedom to do what is best for us. We have a choice to guide our family's life in the right direction. Now I realize how God has given us a choice of either to accept Him and lead a meaningful life or to deny Him and lead a transient superficial life of enjoyment and misguidance to be followed by a life of misery and pain. When I read about the violent crimes committed by youths in the Australian's schools or society I know right away who should shoulder the primary responsibility for such crimes. 
Children are born innocent and it is our responsibility, as parents, to give them love, affection and the best moral environment so that they can turn out to be kind compassionate and responsible youth. What can we expect if our children are raised by the immoral TV programs, Internet, violent video games and by an uncaring day care centre whose main objective is to make money like everybody else? We can't have a whole village here to raise our children and so you have to play the role of the whole village; the aunts, the uncles, the grannies and the neighbours.
Teaching children morality and love of our beloved prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) through God consciousness is the solution to this great problem of teen violence. Fortunately, there are few of Islamic schools, or weekend Islamic schools offering better than standard public school curriculum with an element of moral teaching have sprang out all over Australia in the last few years. Thus at this time there are plenty of opportunities to expose the children to the proper environment. Our children are a loan from God and we would be accountable on how we raise them. It is a twenty-four hour duty of the parents to care for their children's education. Hence upbringing does not stop after sending your child to an Islamic school or to weekend Islamic school. It is a twenty-four hours process of providing them a good, lovingly Islamic environment at home is well by implementing Islam in your life. And this process of upbringing your child starts from the mother lap. Good parenting is the key to have a great family and great Human society.

by Sahibzada Hafiz Muhammad A Wahid

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